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- Operators in python -

 Operators :

Operators are special symbols in Python that carry out some specific operations. Arithmetic operators are used to perform mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc.performing

● + when used with a number, adds the values 
● + when used with strings, concatenates two strings 
    Eg: “hello” +” world”=” hello world” 
● String and number cannot be added, unless the number is converted to string using str().
 Eg: ”Python”+str(3) =” Python3” 
● Number * character concatenates the character that many times. Eg: 3 * ‘a’ = ‘aaa’ 

Now that we know how arithmetic operators work, let us see how python handles other operations. You must have watched/followed the cricket world cup. In that, they keep a tally of the highest run-scorer, highest wicket-taker, etc. How do they do that? By comparing values(runs/wickets); right? And what are the operators used here;
The operators are <, >, etc 

There are a few operators in Python, which help us in comparing values and they are known as comparison operators/relational operators. 

Comparison operators/relational operators help us in comparing values and returns either True/or False. 

Note : == is used for comparison. Eg: x==2,checks if x is equal to 2 = is used for assignment. Eg: x=2,assigns value 2 to x 

Let us understand this with activity now.  Try filling in the blanks.

 To travel by train, you need to have a valid identity card _________ a ticket. (and) When purchasing something from Amazon, we can opt for cash on delivery _________ pay in advance. (or) Since it is sunny, I am ________ carrying my umbrella. (not)

Note: Here we use ‘and’ when both the conditions have to be satisfied. We use ‘or’ when either one condition has to be satisfied. The operators that we are making use of here are logical operators; and, or, not. 

Logical operators:

Logical operators help in combining two conditions and return True or False.

Let us write a program where you and your friends have gone to the Phoenix mall and bought some T-Shirts of Rs 800/- each and trousers of Rs 1500/- each from the Pantaloons showroom.

 Write a program to find out the total amount payable.

Note: ● int() converts a string to an integer 

Now let us write a program where you move on to Cinemax and buy 4 tickets cost Rs 200 /- each for Avengers. You pay Rs 2000/- at the cash counter. Find out how much balance you should be getting.

With the balance amount, you plan to buy popcorn and some drinks. But some of your friends want to buy tea and samosa. So you decide to divide the balance amount among yourself. Find out how much each person gets and the balance that will be left after dividing it equally.

Now that the balance amount is 0, you decide to get some money withdrawn from the ATM. But the ATM has only Rs 2000/- notes. So check if the money entered by you will be dispensed properly. Note: Money can be dispensed only if you are entering >=2000 and also if it's multiple of 2000. 

After watching the movie, you decide to go to the play area and take a ride on ‘The Pendulum ‘.But only kids above the age of 12 or kids having weight above 35 kg will be allowed to take the ride. Write the Python statement to check this condition.


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