Loops: Loops are control structures used to repeat a given section of code ● a certain number of times or ● until a particular condition is met. How do we keep ourselves fit nowadays? We must be doing some exercises ..right? The steps followed in doing the exercise are repeated many times ..isn’t it? Depending on the fitness level of the person, he can choose to repeat a step 10,20, or even 100 times. Now suppose, you want to write a program to simulate exercise steps. Is it feasible to write the same steps again and again? Also, how many times does it has to be repeated changes from person to person. Looping structures come to our rescue in such scenarios. Duplicating lines can be eliminated by repeating them a required number of times. ‘ for’ loop ‘for loops’ are used when you have a block of code that you want to repeat a fixed number of times. A series of numbers within a given range. Note : ● A range has 3 parameters -start, end, ste...